Contact Tara Roberson
Get to Know Tara:
Where are you from originally? North Carolina, but have spent most of my life in Johnson City.
What do you love about working at GFC? GFC is where I grew up. This church has invested so much into me throughout the years, so I love that I get the opportunity to invest back into the church. I have enjoyed serving as a volunteer with Worship Arts, so now I’m excited to get to work with them to do my part in creating an atmosphere for worship for God to show up and do great things in people’s hearts.
Favorite Bible verse right now? Not sure if I have a favorite of all time, but recently the Lord has really been using Habakkuk 3:17-19 in my life.
Favorite Sports Team? Sports aren’t really my thing!
What are your hobbies/interests? Music, board games, asian culture, just to name a few!