As the saying goes, connection and growth happen best in circles, not rows. Groups are a great way to meet people, develop relationships, grow spiritually, and make a larger church seem small.
Available Groups
Community groups are ongoing groups that meet from September- May. They generally meet in homes or at the church. Some are formed by geographic location, and some by stage of life. They are designed to help you connect relationally and grow spiritually.
We have groups for married and single adults, young adults, men, and women.
We can’t know who we are without resting first in who He is. Join Grace Women in an 8-week study of learning to practice teaching the gospel truth to ourselves by studying His Word together.
When: Tuesday mornings 9:30-11 am and Tuesday evenings, 6:30 – 8 pm beginning February 18.
Where: GFC, East Auditorium
Childcare: Available with a reservation and a small weekly donation
Cost: $20
In an environment of acceptance and authenticity, Grace Women exists to help women connect relationally and grow spiritually. Through the venues of groups, retreats, and events, women of all life stages are encouraged and strengthened in their walk with Christ.
All of Creation Hiking Group:
An opportunity to fellowship with our church community while hiking through all of creation. We intend to organize local hikes on a periodic basis exploring the wonderful world given to us by our Creator.
For single adults or married couples. These trips will be strenuous, so experienced hikers only. Our max head count will be 10, so first come, first served.
Interested? Contact Jim Montross, to join the group and learn of future trips.
1 – Men’s Tuesday Evening Group:
Come share real-life struggles and find encouragement through scripture and community with men of all ages. Join at any time. Tuesdays, 6:30-8 pm, at Stephen’s Pizzeria in Gray.
2 – Men’s Wednesday Morning Group:
Men of all ages are welcome to study Scripture and pray together. Join at any time. Wednesdays, 8-9 am, East Group Room, led by Gordon Anderson.
3 – Men’s Friday Morning Group:
Come build relationships with men in the area, share real-life struggles, and find encouragement in friendship. Various studies throughout the year. This is an ongoing and open group. Fridays, 7-8 am, Stillwaters Coffee, Gray, TN. Led by Jeff Stevens.
4 – Men’s Group: Radical Mentoring: This is a long-term group for men looking to become more of who God intended for them to be. Some of the requirements are reading and memorizing scripture, accountability, and vulnerability. This group is sure to be a catalyst on your spiritual journey of knowing Jesus.
When: Monthly meetings of 3 hours (as well as 2 extended times) over a 10-month period. Next group will begin in January 2025.
WHERE: GFC, in the Introducing Grace room.
There are three weekly prayer group meetings open to anyone who would like to join together and pray:
• Fridays from 7:00-8:00 am in the GFC Café,
• Sunday from 8:00-8:30 am in the East Group Room (praying for the GFC community), and
• Sunday from 8:30-9:00 am in the East Group Room (praying for the Sunday worship services).
Share prayer requests any time online at
At some level, we all experience brokenness. Through Re:Generation, we believe people can experience growth and new life by working through the healing path God has given us in the Bible. The mission of this biblically-based program is to call all people to be fully devoted followers of Christ. Our experience and prayer are that you will find healing from your hurts, habits, and hang-ups.
Re:Generation meets every Monday night at 6:30 pm at GFC. Even on holidays! Register Here.
Senior Adults Bible Study
Join us on Route 66: Journey Through the Bible. This series is a personal journey – a road trip – through the landscape and substance of all 66 books of the Bible. Its aim is to explore the uniqueness of each book, while we uncover the grand narrative, theological insights, and real-world applications found in God’s message to us.
This study is hosted by Grace Senior Adults, but anyone is invited to attend.
When: Wednesdays, beginning January 8, 10:30-11:45 am; Refreshments and fellowship from 10:00-10:30 am.
Where: GFC, East Auditorium
Cost: $10
Livestream: All sessions will be live streamed (except February 5) starting at 10:30 am at
The Grace Single Adult group includes lifelong singles, divorcées, widows, and widowers ages 35 and up (although our “sweet spot” is probably in the 40s, 50s, and 60s since many divorces happen at that age). It’s a great group, and we rally less around our age and more around a mutual desire to grow in the faith, form friendships, recover, heal, serve, love, and have fun. We meet at Grace Fellowship every Thursday at 6:30 for a Bible study and connect weekly for other activities (hikes, concerts, game nights).
When: Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm, GFC, North Room 1. Register Here.
Join with other ladies for a yoga exercise group led by Sherry Marion. Join any time!
When: Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30 pm
Where: Upstairs Auditorium
GFC offers bible studies and occasional events to connect! No separate weekly service – You’re an adult now! Join a service on Sundays at 9:15 and 11 am at GFC.
College Cafe Hours:
GFC’s cafe is available for students to study or meet together every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 am – 3 pm.
Grace Young Adult Groups are available at GFC every Wednesday and Thursday night. Wednesdays: 6:30-8:30 pm in North Room 2, and Thursdays: 6:30-8:30 pm, in the Upstairs Auditorium. Join any time.
Interested in going on a short term mission trip or being involved in local International Outreach? Join us for a 4-week discussion on how to connect in missions, whether going to another country or engaging locally with International Students and Immigrants.
When: Wednesdays, beginning March 12, 6:30 – 8 pm
Where: GFC
Everyone’s life has different twists and turns. For many of us, these twists have been unresolved health concerns, a lack of belonging, fear, anxiety, depression, insecurities, relationship struggles, lack of purpose or significance or just not having a sense of being whole. Join Joseph (M.D.) and Tambri Radawi, local medical experts, on this 10-week study, designed to cultivate a space for healing, growth, and exploration, allowing each participant to uncover their unique path to wholeness with Jesus Christ as the Great Physician.
When: Sundays, beginning March 2, 12:30 – 2:00 pm
Where: GFC, North Room 1
A 9-week course that teaches you a step-by-step plan to pay off debt fast and save money for your future.
When: Tuesdays, beginning February 18, 2025, 6:30-8 pm
Where: GFC, North Room 1
Cost: $60 per household
Childcare: Available with a reservation and a small weekly donation.
For those impacted by divorce, come experience 11 weeks of grace, forgiveness, comfort, and healing as part of a community. This course will guide participants through the process of divorce recovery using the book: Love Never Fails: Navigating the Pain of Infidelity and Divorce by Jamin Rathbun. Topics will include sorrow, infidelity, anger, forgiveness, grief, reconciliation, and getting your mojo back. Each week’s class will use the group study guide as a way to review the content of each chapter and discuss its applications in our own unique relationships and circumstances.
When: Tuesdays, beginning February 4, at 6:30 pm
Where: GFC
Cost $20
Childcare: Available with a reservation and a small weekly donation.
Making the decision to become a Christian by making Jesus Christ your Savior begins an adventure that will continue for the rest of your life and for all eternity. This 4-month course explores the growing love relationship with Jesus and its impact on every aspect of life. No matter where you are in your journey as a Christian, taking this course should help you deepen your relationship with Christ.
When: Thursdays, beginning January 16, 6:30-8 pm
Where: GFC
Cost: $10
*Informational Meeting: Sunday, January 12, 10:15 – 10:45, GFC East Group Room*
Types of Groups
Whether your marriage is a 1 or an 8, it could always be better. These groups are specifically designed to better marriages.
These groups are designed specifically for those pursuing marriage.
College / Young Adult
These groups are for those who are in college or are young adults and provide a great way to meet others and grow together.