In addition to the items stocked in The Source, below are a list of items that have been vetted and approved by GFC pastors, to aid in various areas of your life and faith. Click the + next to each category, then click on the title and you will be linked to the product to purchase on
- Creative Grandparenting: How to Love and Nurture a New Generation
- Grand-o-grams: Postcards to Keep in Touch with Your Grandkids All Year Round
- Intentional Parenting: Autopilot Is for Planes
- It Starts at Home: A Practical Guide to Nurturing Lifelong Faith
- The Power of a Godly Grandparent: Leaving a Spiritual Legacy
- The Power of a Praying Grandparent
- Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children
- Why Christian Kids Rebel
- Be a Better Dad Today!
- How to Really Love your Child
- The Smart Step-Family