Mission, Methods, and More
One thing we talk about a lot as leaders of Grace Fellowship is that our mission does not change, but our methods do. Our mission of building a community to reach a community (which is a way of expressing the mission Jesus gave to all of his followers) does not change. But the way we go about the mission (i.e. our methods) does in fact change. And if we ever find ourselves unwilling to change our methods, we’re in trouble.Well, here came 2020. And the primary method for us to connect as a church community has had to change. So we’re gathering online every Sunday at 10:30am (if you missed this past weekend’s service, you can experience it here), and we’re focusing our energy on connecting digitally and using our resources to help our community… BUT our mission as a church has not changed. The reason I bring this up is because this coming weekend is EASTER, a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and all that means for us and our world. And I sincerely believe there may not be a more important time than right now for us to REACH those around us who are broken and vulnerable with the HOPE that only Jesus offers. Would you thoughtfully consider personally inviting someone you know to join our online Easter service this coming Sunday at 10:30am? Data tells us that personal invitation is still the most effective way to engage people in the life of our church. A personal phone call, text, or email letting someone know you’re thinking about them and would love for them to join you online at gfcnow.com this Sunday could, by God’s grace, make a difference in their life. Can’t wait to celebrate our “Hope in Uncertain Times” with you! Matt P.S. Thank you to all of you who have been a part of our “Call Pray Help” initiative. We’ve been able to reach out to over 800 people to pray for them, as well as offer tangible help during this difficult time. To find out how to get involved, click here. Matt Murphy
Lead Pastor