Holy Week

During Holy Week, Christians remember the events leading up to Jesus’ death by crucifixion and His resurrection. The week includes five days of special significance.

The first is Palm Sunday, which recognizes Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and fulfillment of the prophecy in Zechariah 9:9 “The Coming of Zion’s King – See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey”.

The second is Maundy Thursday. This is the Thursday before Easter and is observed in commemoration of the Last Supper. Maundy Thursday is known also as Holy Thursday and celebrates the sacrament of Communion, which was instituted by Jesus on this night.

Good Friday commemorates Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross. It is traditionally a day of sorrow, reflection, and fasting.

Holy Saturday, also called Easter Vigil, is the traditional end of Lent. The vigil celebration sometimes includes lighting candles to symbolize Christ’s passing from death to life.

Easter Sunday is the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection on the third day after his crucifixion.